BuddyPress Friends Suggestions Widget Plugin Review

BuddyPress Friends Suggestions Plugin displays the friend suggestion list on the widget so that members can add friends.
Now we have the basic friend suggestions widgets for BuddyPress-based Social networks. It will display a friend suggestion list like Facebook friend suggestions to the logged-in user and the user can add a new friend or hide the suggestions.

reign theme for community website

In the current version, The possible Friend list is built by looking at friends or friends and then providing suggestions to the user.

Features of BuddyPress Friends Suggestions Widget

  • Show Suggestions based on the friends of friends’ connections.
  • Allow users to hide a suggestion from showing in the future.
  • Allow the site admin to limit the number of suggestions in the show at a time.

How does it work

The Friends Suggestions widget is available in the Widgets listing. Just insert the widget to any one of the sidebars and click on the add button.
This widget also provides you to change the widget title and a maximum number of suggestions to display on the front end.

BuddyPress Friends Suggestions Widget Plugin
BuddyPress Friends Suggestions Widget Plugin

Friends Suggestions widgets display: Just click on the add friend button to send the friendship request.


BuddyPress Friends Suggestions Plugin is the solution for showing friends in your BuddyPress Community. If you have any questions regarding this BuddyPress Friends Suggestions Plugin, then you can ask in the comment section below.

Download the plugin from here: BuddyPress Friends Suggestions Widget Plugin

Thanks for Reading.

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