BuddyPress Humanity Plugin Review

BuddyPress Humanity Plugin Review

Security is a major concern among online communities both inside and outside of WordPress. Also, there are potential threats of spamming and multiple user accounts of the same person. Although the BuddyPress community for WordPress is safe to use, still you will need such plugins that can help you increase its security. BuddyPress spam bots security is must to protect your server utilization and server live.

There are several BuddyPress premium addons and free addons for security, BuddyPress Humanity plugin is one of them. This plugin is simple and easy to use, it will add a security question that is asked every time when a user registers to make sure you are not a bot. Each step is good for the purpose of security and from this plugin, you can keep away spammers and spambots from your community to some extent.

BuddyPress Humanity In-Depth Review

BuddyPress Humanity Plugin Installation

To install BP Spam Security plugin Go to WP Admin Panel>>Plugins>>Add New Plugins. Then Search BP Humanity in the search box . After then click on Install Now.

BuddyPress Humanity Plugin Installationshowing buddypress humanity

BP Humanity Settings

The plugin is simple to use. It provides you to choose a security question and answer to be asked on the front-end while registration. You can access its settings from wp-admin > BuddyPress > BP Humanity.

BP Humanity Settings
showing bp humanity option from dashboard

Here, you can set the title, change the question to be answered and its corresponding answer. Also, if you want multiple answers for one question then you can use commas to separate more than one correct answer.

bp spam security
showing bp humanity plugin setting

Security Question on Front-End

BuddyPress Humanity Plugin Review
showing frontend question buddypress security plugin

After saving the settings. The question will appear on the registration page to be answered by the users. As you can see in below screenshot that security question is asked. You can change security question according to you from BP humanity setting. Here with this BuddyPress security check plugin we have used Reign Buddypress theme because this humanity or spam checker plugins is best fit with this theme only.


Little steps towards security can also prevent your community from fake users and potential threats. There is nothing bad in it, right? Share your thoughts about this security check BuddyPress humanity plugin in the comment section, also you can ask any question regarding the plugin anytime. Thanks for Reading

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