Buddypress Non-Editable Profile Fields Plugin Review

Buddypress Non-Editable Profile Fields Plugin

Do you want to stop your users from editing BuddyPress profile fields? BuddyPress Non-Editable Profile Fields plugin allows site admins to mark a profile field as non-editable. Once a profile field is marked non-editable, the user can not modify its value. The profile field can be updated (if no value is set, only in that case) for one time but once the value is set, It can not be modified. This plugin is most suited when you want to lock some profile fields and disallow users from editing.

BuddyX theme

How To Install

This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


  1.  Navigate to the “Add New” in the plugins dashboard
  2. Search for “BuddyPress Non-Editable Profile Fields”.
  3. Click ‘Install Now.
  4. Activate the plugin on the plugin

Advantages of using BuddyPress non-editable Profile fields

The BuddyPress Non-Editable Profile Fields plugin is a useful tool that adds an extra layer of control and customization to your BuddyPress profile fields. Here are some advantages of using this plugin:

  • Enhanced data accuracy: Non-editable profile fields provide an added layer of control over the data entered by users. By locking certain fields from being edited, you can ensure that the data entered by users remains accurate and consistent.
  • Customizable access: You can control who can edit specific profile fields. For example, you may want to allow users to edit certain fields but restrict editing of other fields to administrators. This can be especially useful for fields that contain sensitive information.
  • Time-saving: Non-editable profile fields save time by preventing the need to make repetitive updates to profile fields. For instance, if you have a field that contains the user’s membership status, you can lock this field so that it is only updated by an administrator, rather than having users edit it every time their membership changes.
  • User experience: By locking certain profile fields from being edited, you can provide a better user experience for your site visitors. Users can quickly find and view important information without worrying about accidentally changing it.
  • Customizable field types: BuddyPress Non-Editable Profile Fields plugin supports a wide range of field types, including text, date, select box, checkbox, and more. This means that you can customize your profile fields to meet your specific needs.

How Does it work

Go to “users << Profile Fields < < Click on edit.

Buddypress Non-Editable Profile Fields rsetting
Buddypress Non-Editable Profile Fields Plugin

Once a profile field is marked as non-editable by the admin, It allows the user to save the data for one time. Once the profile field data is saved, then the user can not modify or change that.

Buddypress Non-Editable Profile Fields fron end
Buddypress Non-Editable Profile Fields Plugin

Example: We have set the Location field as a non-editable field, So after saving the data, the user can not modify or change that.

Buddypress Non-Editable Profile Fields Plugin
Buddypress Non-Editable Profile Fields Plugin

You can see that the Location field is not appearing here for modifying

Types Of Non-Editable Fields

  1. Gender field:- You can use it to restrict users from changing their gender
  2. Date of Birth Field:- You may restrict users from changing their date of birth after they update it
  3. Member type:- Maybe you don’t want to allow users to change their member type( Are you using the new member type API? It is awesome!)
  4. and all the cases you can imagine.


On using BuddyPress non-editable profile field admin is able to mark the fields which can be edited by other users and which cannot be edited by other users

You can download this plugin from here: BuddyPress Non-Editable Profile Fields plugin

In conclusion, the BuddyPress Non-Editable Profile Fields plugin is a valuable tool that allows you to enhance data accuracy, control who can edit profile fields, save time, improve user experience, and customize your profile fields. By using this plugin, you can create a more robust and user-friendly social networking experience.

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