Social Media Icons

How To Add Social Media Icons To WordPress

Add Social Media Icons To Your WordPress

To add social media icons to your WordPress header, you can follow these steps:

BuddyX theme

1. Install a social media plugin:

There are many social media plugins available for WordPress, such as Social Icons Widget by WPZoom, Simple Social Icons, or AddToAny Share Buttons. Install and activate one of these plugins.

To install a social media plugin in WordPress, you can follow these steps:

1. Log into your WordPress dashboard.

2. Click on “Plugins” in the left-hand menu.

3. Click on “Add New.”

4. In the search bar, type in the name of the social media plugin you want to install. You can also browse for plugins using the filters provided.

5. Once you’ve found the plugin you want to install, click on the “Install Now” button.

6. Wait for the installation process to complete, and then click on “Activate” to activate the plugin.

7. You can now configure the plugin settings and add social media icons to your WordPress site.

It’s important to note that the steps may vary slightly depending on your version of WordPress and the social media plugin you’re using.

2. Configure the plugin

After activating the plugin, go to the plugin settings and configure it to your liking. This may include selecting which social media platforms you want to display icons for, choosing an icon style, and specifying the URLs for your social media profiles.

To configure the plugin after you’ve installed it, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.

2. Click on “Plugins” in the left-hand menu.

3. Locate the social media plugin you installed and click on “Settings” or “Configure” (depending on the plugin).

4. In the plugin settings, you can usually choose which social media platforms you want to display icons for, specify the URLs for your social media profiles, and select an icon style.

5. Once you’ve made your changes, click “Save” or “Update” to save your settings.

The configuration options may vary depending on the social media plugin you’re using. Some plugins may offer more advanced options such as the ability to choose where the icons are displayed on your site or to customize the appearance of the icons.

It’s a good idea to explore the configuration options to make sure the plugin is set up to meet your specific needs.

3. Add the widget to your header

Once the plugin is configured, you can add social media icons to your header. Depending on your WordPress theme, you may be able to do this by adding a widget to the “Header” or “Top Bar” area in the Appearance > Widgets section of your WordPress dashboard. Look for a widget provided by the social media plugin you installed and drag it to the appropriate widget area.

To add the social media widget to your WordPress header, you can follow these steps:

1. Log into your WordPress dashboard.

2. Click on “Appearance” in the left-hand menu.

3. Click on “Widgets.”

4. Look for the widget area labeled “Header” or “Top Bar” (depending on your theme). If you can’t find this area, you may need to consult your theme documentation or contact the theme developer for assistance.

5. Locate the widget provided by the social media plugin you installed. Depending on the plugin, it may be called “Social Icons,” “Social Media Icons,” or something similar.

6. Drag the widget to the header widget area.

7. Configure the widget settings as needed, such as choosing which social media platforms to display and the order in which they appear.

8. Click “Save” or “Publish” to save your changes.

9. Once you’ve added the widget to the header widget area, the social media icons should appear in the header of your WordPress site. If you don’t see them, try refreshing the page or clearing your browser cache.

4. Customize the display:

You may want to customize the display of the social media icons to match your site’s design. This can usually be done in the plugin settings or by adding custom CSS code to your WordPress theme.

To customize the display of your social media icons in the WordPress header, you can follow these steps:

1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.

2. Click on “Appearance” in the left-hand menu.

3. Click on “Customize.”

4. Look for the section labeled “Header” or “Top Bar” (depending on your theme).

5. Depending on the theme and the social media plugin you’re using, you may be able to customize the display of the icons directly in the theme customizer. Look for options such as icon size, shape, color, and alignment. You may also be able to specify the spacing between the icons.

6. If the theme customizer doesn’t provide enough options for your needs, you can add custom CSS code to your theme. To do this, click on “Additional CSS” in the theme customizer and add your CSS code there. You can find CSS code snippets for customizing social media icons online, or you can write your own CSS code if you have the necessary skills.

reign theme

Make sure to preview your changes before publishing them to ensure that they look the way you want them to. You may also want to test your site on different devices to make sure that the icons are responsive and look good on screens of various sizes.

That’s it! You should now have social media icons displayed in your WordPress header.